At Miste rLederhosen nothing is more important than our customers satisfaction.If for whatever reason you're not pleased with your purchase, you can send the the items back, for a full refund or exchange for a different size or colour.
Note that the following points should be fulfilled to authorize the refund:
- Items should not be damaged.
- Items should not be purchased for more than 100 days.
- Customer will bear the shipping and handling cost(s)
- When import duties are applied, customer will pay for this and amount will be deducted from amount paid
- Normally we try to searh for customer friendly solution
- Please send the items back in the original packaging,if the items aren't shipped in the original packaging, we reserve the right not to accept the package.
To process your return please fill out the contact form below and write as subject “Return Inquiry”.Our support team will respond back to you to your provided email address.